Data analysis is most accurate when both forward and reverse sequence traces are used.
I. Software assumes that the filenames with only _F and _R differences are from the same sample.
II. If the filenames of both forward and reverse do not follow any rules, you may construct a 2D text file containing the sample filenames. The text file shall contain many columns and rows, and each row represents filenames of a sample. The text file must be in the same directory as the trace file. You may check "Load 2D Match" adjacent to "OK" in the open-data-file dialog box.
III. To sort forward and reverse trace files, go to 2D Filename Match Editor in the Tools menu or the ND Filename Match Editor if you have more than 2 primers. Load the data, and the Editor will sort forward and reverse samples according to the chosen model. Save the 2D files as text files (*.txt) and check Load 2D Match when adding the samples for analysis.