- Check the analysis template to confirm the correct Internal Lane Standard (ILS) and ILS color are selected.
- Evaluate the raw data to see if there all expected size standard peaks are present
- Enable the sample using right mouse click - enable (or ctrl/delete hotkeys)
- Open the Raw Data folder at the top of the file name tree
- If low signal or no signal repeat CE with sample containing labeled ILS
- Larger size ILS peaks are lower RFU and wider (capillary is starting to fail or too much salt)
- Recommend Re-CE the sample after correcting the causes in c.
- It is possible to manually calibrate the ILS using the size calibration window
- Select the sample from the sample list
- zoom in on the problematic peak(s) in the egram
- Right click on the center of each peak, select Add Peak
- When all ILS peaks are marked as above, right mouse click in an empty section of the egram and click Update Calibration